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New Boston Charter Networks Post Impressive First-Year Gains

Date Published: September 21, 2012

The state’s first charter network schools posted strong academic gains in just their first year of operation, according to state MCAS data.

Edward Brooke, Roxbury Prep and Excel Academy opened their first “replication schools” in 2011 and had 5th graders who took MCAS exams last year. All 5th graders were new to these schools, coming mostly from district schools.

Their “growth numbers” indicate a remarkable turnaround in the academic performance of their students. Growth numbers show how much progress the children made compared to their previous MCAS scores.

Edward Brooke 2 (Mattapan) 5th graders posted a “Student Growth Percentile” (SGP) of 92% in English and 95% in math. This means that its fifth graders raised their scores higher than 92 percent of the 5th graders statewide in English and 95% of the fifth graders statewide in math.

Roxbury Prep’s Grove Hall school’s English SGP was 71% and its math SGP was 86%. Excel Academy Chelsea posted an English SGP of 66% and a math SGP of 39%.

The other network school that opened last year – MATCH/Community Day – did not have a class that took the MCAS.

The faith the Legislature put in these schools to replicate their successes in underperforming districts is paying off for children.